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Chapter 1 Basic Structure

1. Subject

1.1 Studies show that _ are easily passed from one person to another by failure to wash hands frequently.

(A) Infect (B) infections (C) infectious (D) infecting

1.2 My brother started working in the pizza business after graduated from
college.(A) himself (B) his
(C) he (D) him

1.3 The announce of the captain is that the airplane would be arriving in twenty minutes.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.4 Understand the interplay between money, interest rates, and debt could be useful.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.5 An anonymous provided the money to build new medical facilities at the prison.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.6 The enclosed brochure explains how, _ can file a claim quickly and easily.
(A) who (B) one
(C) which (D) this

1.7 The actively of all license holders are regulated and supervised by government
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Verb

2.1 He _ all his money in bad stocks, and now he is flat broke. (A) investment (B) investing (C) invested (D) investable

2.2 What they present in the book is a set of techniques that systematically the learner for interaction with target language speakers.
(A) prepare (B) preparing
(C) prepares (D) prepared

2.3 It taken ten months of writing and revising to prepare a film script from the author’s
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.4 An independent poll showers that Randall Straus is currently the most popular
(A) (B) (C)
politician in the state.

2.5 Her goal to get up and exercise in the morning before going to work.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.6 The marine biologist _ the long term memory of small whales.
(A) to investigate (B) had been being investigate
(C) is being investigated (D) has been investigating

3. Object

3.1 One way to reduce _ in the banking industry would be to eliminate government involvement. (A) Confusing (B) Confused (C) Confuse (D) Confusion 3.2 When the man said he had no license, the cop gave _ a searching look.
(A) he (B) his
(C) him (D) himself

3.3 The position will offer the opportune for growth in a highly professional (A) (B)
environment along with competitive compensation.(C) (D)

3.4 Although she failed to perform well in her classes, she managed to earn high on the
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3.5 New computer technology makes possible for anyone to calculate payroll taxes with
(A) (B) (C)
relative ease.

3.6 Since Rosilyn works from home, she rents office space when she needs a placement
(A) (B) (C) (D)
to meet clients.

4. Complement

4.1 Once a position becomes vacancy, the post is initially advertised internally.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

4.2 The natural hot springs are an _ enjoyed by thousands of tourists every year. (A) Attraction (B) attractive (C) attracting (D) attract 4.3 Continuing education is crucial for keeping abreast of the changes in technology and staying in business.
(A) compete (B) competing
(C) competitive (D) competitiveness

4.4 It is _ for parents to become upset when their children cry. (A) normalize (B) normally (C) normal (D) norm 4.5 One way for car rental companies to earn higher profits would be customer service.
(A) to improve (B) will improve
(C) to be improving (D) having been improved

4.6 Many young families are finding it difficulty to purchase a home in today’s
(A) (B) (C) (D)
economic climate.

4.7 She worked __ for six hours, until the conference call came through.
(A) interrupted (B) interrupts
(C) interruption (D) uninterrupted


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Chapter 2 Verb Structure

1. Transitive verb & intransitive verb

1.1 We will discuss over the difficulties of introducing flextime in the production
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.2 Mr. David, who will graduate college next August, has already written to forty-five
(A) (B) (C)
companies seeking employment.

1.3 They _ over the marketing strategy for several hours before they agreed on a
course of action.
(A) argued (B) asserted (C) advocated (D) alleged

1.4 Unfortunately, as you can see, the decline was not maintained and over the next six
(A) (B)
months inflation raised slightly and reached 9% by 1995.
(C) (D)

2. Auxiliary verb

2.1 The editorial page is where writers can _ how they really feel about the issues. (A) indicative (B) indicating (C) indicator (D) indicate

2.2 The search committee will reviews each prospective employee’s work history. (A) (B) (C) (D)

2.3 I think that what we must done now is concentrate our efforts on both the home and (A) (B) (C) (D) the foreign markets.

3. To infinitive

3.1 The stock market continues to advancing in spite of weak economic indicators. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3.2 David hopes to received a promotion at his next performance appraisal in June. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3.3 Please take time for review the information that was handed out last week. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3.4 Our unrelenting focus on reducing costs and our ability economies of scale
are paying off.
(A) leveraging (B) is leveraged
(C) to leverage (D) leverage

3.5 Clients may call the customer service number at corporate headquarters __
international shipments.
(A) to track (B) trackable
(C) tracked (D) tracking

3.6 The Convention Center expects hire ten part-time waiters plus an assistant chef by
(A) (B) (C)
the end of next week.

3.7 To business in the country, the company should negotiate a joint venture with a
(A) (B) (C)
local distributor.

3.8 Our investment counselors help our customers matching stock funds to their
(A) (B) (C)
individual needs.

3.9 The seminar will teach participants __ to analyze the financial stability of any
(A) how (B) who
(C) what (D) why

4. Participle

4.1 This seminar will be videotaped for those who are unable to attend but are
(A) (B) (C)
interesting in the information.

4.2 The chemical processed plant kept production costs to a minimum by negotiating
(A) (B) (C)
long contracts.

4.3 Even astute customers sometimes have difficulty distinguishing between legitimate
(A) (B) (C)
sales pitches and exaggerating claims.

4.4 The _ protection provided by our newly designed computer case makes transporting your laptop effortless. (A) parallel (B) paralleling (C) parallelism (D) unparalleled 4.5 Raul rarely answers the telephone, _ to let his answering machine record a
message instead.
(A) prefer
(B) preferring
(C) preference
(E) preferable

5. Passive voice

5.1 Detective Sunil is very _ by recent developments in the investigation.
(A) perplexing
(B) perplexed
(C) perplexedly
(F) perplexity

5.2 Mr. Hwang is hoping to be promotion to vice-president of marketing by the end of
(A) (B) (C)
his fifth year with the company.

5.3 The terms of this limited warranty are negated if the product used for commercial
(A) (B) (C)

5.4 A contract of that size would be handled of corporate headquarters.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

5.5 The date for the new product launch has be delayed because of problems in
(A) (B) (C)

5.6 The regulations governing airline safety standards for domestic flights were
(A) (B)
tightening six years ago.
(C) (D)

5.7 Many jobs at the auto manufacturing plant have been _ by robots. (A) replace (B) replaced (C) replacing (D) replacement 5.8 Switzerland is not cheap, but inexpensive lodging __ at youth hostels and
(A) be found
(B) had found
(C) may have found
(D) can be found

5.9 After examining the carpet, the decorator discovered that it was not the color he
(A) (B)
originally was ordered.
(C) (D)

5.10 Consumers are advisor to go to used electronics stores for bargains before investing
(A) (B) (C) (D)
in a costly new appliance.

6. Condition
6.1 The committee suggested that the new policy incorporates throughout the company.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6.2 I would have gone to the conference, _ to reschedule my meeting. (A) if I am able (B) would I be able (C) if I had been able (D) was I able 6.3 I wish I the meeting this morning
(A) attend
(B) attended
(C) can attend
(D) could attended

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Chapter 3 Preposition

1. Difference between the preposition and conjunction

1.1 The office appeared to be larger _ it was painted a lighter color.
(A) after
(B) above
(C) during
(D) among

1.2 The Colombia Coffee Company reported a $20,000 loss in earnings last quarter
(A) (B)
because the rising price of coffee.
(C) (D)

1.3 Despite a large firm may be more prestigious, a sole practitioner many times
(A) (B) (C)
provides better and more personalized legal counsel.

1.4 As Blake was leaving the office, his secretary chased after with an
important phone message.
(A) him
(B) himself
(C) his
(D) he

1.5 Each country has an assessor who fixes the value of all real property subject to
(A) (B) (B)

1.6 The purpose of this letter is to tell you about an exciting new open at Benison Inc.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.7 There is no one who will not benefit from an investing in the bond market during
(A) (B) (C) (D)
times of high interest rates.

2. Basic rule

2.1 The old-fashioned delicatessen the street has become a popular place for
(A) during
(B) inside
(C) from
(D) across

2.2 His teachers said that he was an excellent student all _ school.
(A) around
(B) toward
(C) through
(D) about

2.3 Management will meet _ the New York office to discuss Mr. Ortega’s proposed reorganization plan. (A) of (B) for (C) in (D) to 2.4 Ms. Avery has collected hand-crafted furniture all over Germany for twenty
(A) in
(B) about
(C) from
(D) on

2.5 The Nigeria-based financial company manages twenty and thirty different
mutual funds.
(A) near
(B) about
(C) below
(D) between

2.6 The meeting was postponed beyond further notice, because the manufacturing plant
(A) (B)
had an emergency.
(C) (D)

2.7 He makes extra money selling photographs of community events to the local
(A) in
(B) by
(C) for
(D) after

2.8 He announced the decision to offer John the partnership the commencement
of the three-day partner’s retreat.
(A) along
(B) of
(C) at
(D) to

2.9 The third part __ the current business plan focuses on overseas expansion.
(A) with

(B) to
(C) on
(D) of

2.10 Mr. Bonner misplaced the file containing the resumes _ his afternoon
(A) around
(B) on
(C) by
(D) for

2.11 Within the company’s policy of matching funds, retirement contributions could soon
(A) (B) (C)
amount to a considerable sum.

2.12 Molly usually eats a light breakfast behind going to work and then has a cup of
(A) (B) (C)
coffee and a doughnut later.

2.13 This notice provides information around your rights and responsibilities under the
(A) (B) (C) (D)
company’s new pension policy.

2.14 Many companies are imposing stern disciplinary measures on employees who use e-
(A) (C)
mail and the Internet for personal use beside office hours.
(C) (D)

2.15 Over normal operating conditions, natural gas burns cleanly and safely, producing
(A) (B) (C)
heat, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.

2.16 Until most garden plants, garlic should be planted in the fall, not the spring.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.17 In an effort to cut back _ costs, many airlines have discontinued full-meal
(A) in
(B) at
(C) on
(D) to

2.18 The recently renovated hotel offers many amenities including a swimming pool and
(A) (B)
a rooftop restaurant a view of the city.
(C) (D)

3. Collocation

3.1 The recent move offers William the opportunity for an improved quality _ life. (A) in (B) of (C) from (A) before 3.2 The golf course is rated one of the most difficult _ the professional tour.
(A) near
(B) at
(C) aside
(D) on

3.3 I am sending the enclosed package with the hope that you will handle its contents
(A) with
(B) for
(C) over
(D) by

3.4 The reconnaissance aircraft has an infrared camera for taking photographs
(A) on
(B) at
(C) in
(D) of

3.5 Please consult _ the shift manager of you have a problem with the cash register. (A) from (B) for (C) with (D) among 3.6 To ensure accurate information, the newspaper reporter insisted __ conducting
the interview himself.
(A) on

(B) from
(C) of
(D) to

3.7 The transportation authority voted to extend the subway among the adjacent town.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3.8 The Cancer Research Institute applied to grant money that was offered by several
(A) (B) (C) (D)
pharmaceutical companies.

3.9 It is estimated that alcohol and drug abuse costs businesses billions of dollars by
(A) (B) (C) (D)
absenteeism and lost productivity.

3.10 Mr. David has become a popular politician partly because he has made himself
(A) (B) (C)
visible for the public.

3.11 Consumers are worried _ the dangers of air bags inflating in automobiles. (A) from (B) instead of (C) about (D) around

Chapter 4 Conjunction 1 Coordination

1.1 The distributors fully understand the contract but are willing to abide by the terms (A) (B) (C) controlling their business activities. (D)

1.2 The company spokesperson would not confirm the story and deny it. (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.3 Marie usually buys a sugar doughnut, _ today she is only buying coffee.
(A) or
(B) unless
(C) but
(D) until

2. Subordination
2.1 Frank was ecstatic after finishing the race _ he had set a new record. (A) because (B) unless (C) but (D) that 2.2 The publishing company did not obtain exclusive use of the material, it was
assured that it would not be published in England.
(A) either
(B) whereupon
(C) although
(D) plus

2.3 The company meeting lasted for over five hours, _ there was nothing particularly controversial on the agenda. (A) that (B) besides (C) in addition (D) even though

2.4 Expensive _ the car was, Robin nonetheless decided to buy it.
(A) that
(B) as
(C) if
(D) like

2.5 The wind blew a power line down, or all power was lost in the office.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2.6 Mr. Peleteri was so nervous while he put the wrong file in his briefcase.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.7 The school offers a management degree for professionals seeking graduate level
continuing their normal jobs.
(A) while
(B) however
(C) whereby
(D) both

2.8 The television reporter qualified his statement __ he continued on with the next
(A) before

(B) until
(C) among
(D) during

3. Correlatives

3.1 The inflatable boats are approximately three meters long and are recommended for
_ ocean and fresh water. (A) neither (B) that (C) both (D) but 3.2 Most new cars today either include improved safety features allow buyers to
add them.
(A) and
(B) on
(C) or
(D) for

3.3 They had _ Japanese nor German translation services at the Canadian Trade symposium. (A) both (B) neither (C) either (D) nor

Chapter 5 Agreement 1 Subject and verb agreement

1.1 All programs and their respective rates, terms, and conditions _ subject to change or modification.
(A) be
(B) is
(C) are
(D) been

1.2 This is a short-term nonrenewable policy which terminate at the end of the term
(A) (B) (C)

1.3 Another ambitious proposal to improve semiconductor design were offered by the

(A) (B) (C) (D)
research and development team.

1.4 The office manager, as well as the secretaries, haven’t returned the supplier’s phone
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.5 Neither the boss nor his workers wants to hire temporary employees for special
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.6 An increasing number of workers doesn’t want to work overtime without receiving
(A) (B) (C) (D)
extra payment.

1.7 Underground parking is available for everyone who display a convention parking
(A) (B) (C)
sticker in their car windows.

1.8 There is lots of romantic sights to see in Maui.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Noun and pronoun agreement

2.1 Everybody has been aware of our efficient methods but very little has been done
(A) (B) (C)
about it.

2.2 Travelers coming from outside of Luxembourg should contact its travel agents
(A) (B) (C)
directly to make reservations for the festival.

3. Noun and determiner

3.1 There were employees at the celebration dinner.
(A) most
(B) least
(C) much
(D) many

3.2 Get all the facts on-line using our twenty volumes encyclopedia and hundreds of
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3.3 I declare that the information contained in _ application is true to the best of
my knowledge.
(A) this
(B) they
(C) these
(D) those

3.4 Environmental negotiators agreed to a peculiar last-minute changes in the wording of
(A) (B) (C) (D)
the new legislation yesterday.

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Chapter 6 Tense

1. Present Perfect Tense

1.1 When our company has dissatisfy customers, we offer them a full refund
(A) (B) (C)

1.2 According to a company spokesperson, sales of the new athletic shoe _ an all-
time high.

(A) reach
(B) are reached
(C) have reached
(D) was reached

1.3 Thomas invested his bonus in the stock market because it has been __ so well.
(A) performed
(B) performance
(C) performing
(D) perform

1.4 Glue has been the choice of leading manufacturers and craftsmen on more than thirty
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Tense agreement

2.1 Mr. Carlson returned the memo to his secretary after he _ it.
(A) signing
(B) sign
(C) signs
(D) signed

2.2 Mr. Carter misses the board meeting because his plane was grounded by inclement.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.3 There is no late admittance once the show _.
(A) will begin
(B) will have begun
(C) began
(D) has begun

2.4 No one seemed surprised that the plant was closing, as morale and quality
(A) is deteriorating
(B) are deteriorated
(C) will be deteriorating
(D) had been deteriorating

2.5 The instructions have been sent to a translation service and _ by the end of the week. (A) should be finished (B) would have finished (C) ought to finish (D) had to be finished

2.6 A healthy ecosystem includes green vegetation which keeps the air we _ clean.
(A) breath
(B) breathed
(C) breathless
(D) breathe

2.7 Annual reviews will be given to determine what salary increase each employee
(A) (B) (C)
receive in the next year.

2.8 Conrad Railroad _ all of the Safety Commission’s recommendations by the end of the month. (A) to be implemented (B) had been implementing (C) have been implemented (D) will have implemented

2.9 More than two hundred volunteers _ whales from coastal viewpoints last year.
(A) count
(B) counted
(C) counting
(D) countable

Chapter 7 Modifier

1. Adjectives modifying nouns

1.1 Sports brands often use targeted advertising to communicate their strengths to
_ investors. (A) potentially (B) potential (C) potentiality (D) potently

1.2 The citizens of Springtown will vote to decide how best to meet their _ water
(A) increase
(B) increases
(C) increasingly
(D) increasing

1.3 Buyers of automated business machines expect to have a strong _ support network available. (A) technique (B) technician (C) technical (D) technology

1.4 The community group generated a lively _ on whether to implement curfew
(A) discuss
(B) discussed
(C) discussing
(D) discussion

1.5 Offering knowledge recommendations to customers buying tennis equipment is an
(A) (B) (C)

important part of a tennis professional’s job.

2. Possessive adjective

2.1 If you follow _ interests, learning will always be enjoyable. (A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourselves 2.2 Perry’s __ of the meeting was so thorough that Susan did not have to add
(A) summary
(B) summarize
(C) summarizing
(D) summarized

2.3 Any destabilizing changes could reawaken fears that the countries are returning to
(A) (B)
they old inflationary policies.
(C) (D)

2.4 To help us keep our costly down, the insurance company suggested several
(A) (B) (C)
recommended suppliers.

2.5 To ensure long-term success, a company must have a thorough knowledge of __
(A) its
(B) it’s
(C) itself

(D) it

3. Comparatives and Superlatives

3.1 The department manager selected several proposals to take a _ look at. (A) closely (B) closest (C) closer (D) closeness

3.2 Take the bus down Fifth Avenue – it is easier and just as fast a taxi at rush hour. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3.3 The Toronto metropolitan area pays higher rates to dispose of its garbage _
most other large cities.
(A) however
(B) when
(C) than
(D) while

3.4 Our newest fax machine is most than twice as fast as other currently available
(A) (B) (C) (D)

.3.5 Margie earned distinction and the _ honors upon graduating from college. (A) high (B) higher (C) highest (D) highly

3.6 This festival is the much popular one of the year, and continues for three days. (A) (B) (C) (D)

3.7 On-line shopping is at its __ when it offers a large product selection that can be
searched easily and quickly.

(A) good
(B) better
(C) much better
(D) best

4. Determiners

4.1 The business needs printer that is fast, affordable, and does not require much space.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4.2 The advertisement should reach an estimated one million of people. (A) (B) (C) (D)

4.3 Durable goods orders rebounded in early March from their first decline in fourth
(A) (B) (C) (D)

4.4 She made multiple copies of several __ in preparation for the Export
(A) documents
(B) documented
(C) documenting
(D) documentation

5. Adverbs

5.1 When competing for the public’s attention, a firm’s message must be _
(A) efficiently
(B) efficiency
(C) efficient
(D) efficiencies

5.2 The company is committed to dealing _ with other organizations. (A) fair (B) fairly (C) fairer (D) fairness

5.3 Because of its location in the central business district, the residential apartment building is an desirable place to live.
(A) extreme
(B) extremes
(C) extremely
(D) extremist

5.4 Economic indicators predict that the restaurant will do _ well next quarter.
(A) exceptional
(B) exception
(C) except
(D) exceptionally

5.5 Once a public relations agency took over contact with the media, the company’s
(A) (B)
advertising dramatic improved.
(C) (D)

Chapter 8 Confused Words

1. Word choice – Nouns
1.1 Apartments are expensive in this __ because of their proximity to the lake.
(A) yard
(B) land
(C) area
(D) arena

1.2 The director continually provides sound management decisions that earn him the

_ of his staff. (A) delight (B) policy (C) respect (D) quality 1.3 Ms. Dallas was surprised to receive the bonus for the highest sales .
(A) quantity
(B) proposal
(C) volume
(D) delivery

1.4 The design __ were very strict and the agency was unable to meet them.
(A) specifications
(B) specific
(C) specify
(D) specifics

1.5 Because of the _ in demand for the product, management is studying the possibility of redesigning the package. (A) defiance (B) definition (C) undermine (D) decline

1.6 Laurel has a professional _ take pictures of her children once each year.
(A) opportunist
(B) photographer
(C) magician
(D) instructor

1.7 The rug designer left the manufacture with the samples and returned to the hotel.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.8 Mixcorp believes that innovative production will sell well despite increasing
(A) (B) (C) (D)

1.9 The weather report is for clear sunny sky without any sign of rain.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Word Choice – Verb

2.1 The staff apologized for __ his name from the list of registered participants.
(A) contacting
(B) omitting
(C) permitting
(D) authorizing

2.2 The training session will _ new strategies for researching international competition. (A) expend (B) express (C) expire (D) explore

2.3 Anyone wishing to apply for a credit card he enclosed application form.
(A) may be completing
(B) will have completed
(C) should have been completed
(D) must complete

2.4 The boss ___ me to accompany her to the concert this Friday.
(A) asked

(B) inquired
(C) said
(D) spoke

2.5 The weather has _ colder this week and snow is expected. (A) continued (B) started (C) begun (D) become

2.6 A person’s body needs only a few excess calories each day to __ weight over
(A) take away
(B) pull off
(C) put on
(D) try on

3. Word choice – Adjectives and Adverbs

3.1 Mr. Smith had a _ vacation in Guam. (A) grateful (B) designed (C) workable (D) pleasant

3.2 His report is for now, but it lacks some details and will need additional work
before it is sent to the client.
(A) insufficient
(B) outspoken
(C) adequate
(D) advanced

3.3 Perfume companies are __ about using electronic sensors to increase the

objectivity of their olfactory test.
(A) intense
(B) enthusiastic
(C) hypocritical
(D) enhanced

3.4 To complete this project on time, we will need to order more _ materials. (A) crude (B) fine (C) brut (D) raw

3.5 He worked throughout the night to have the annual report ready for the printer by (A) (B) (C) early the preceding day. (D)

3.6 The chairman specifically mentioned that each department should do its respectful (A) (B) (C) work to the best of its ability. (D)

3.7 Some companies send expensive catalogues as as once a month.
(A) precisely
(B) happily
(C) frequently
(D) willingly

3.8 Up until two days , Ms. Cortese had been planning on a vacation in France.
(A) since
(B) ago
(C) besides
(D) instead

3.9 Since the merchandise was delivered over two months __, the buyer deserves
some compensation.

(A) late
(B) past
(C) fast
(D) lately

Chapter 9 Pronoun

1. Relative pronoun

1.1 Some hair grafting techniques can create virtually undetectable hairlines for people
_ are losing their hair. (A) which (B) when (C) who (D) whom

1.2 The newsletter is compiled by volunteer readers and writers whom write brief (A) (B) (C) articles on current events and problems. (D)

1.3 Drew Rhodes is responsible for supervising the maintenance crews _ clean
downtown sidewalks.
(A) than
(B) that
(C) where
(D) while

1.4 The only way to influence her is to talk about she wants and show her how
to get it.
(A) whose
(B) which
(C) what
(D) that

1.5 I strongly advise you not to hire a man _ past career is vague.

(A) that
(B) whose
(C) what
(D) which

1.6 The workshop explores the importance of learning styles besides they apply to
(A) (B) (C)
personal and organizational learning.

1.7 Employees return home after extended periods overseas often experience a host of
(A) (B) (C)
problems associated with repatriating.

1.8 The job requires a programmer _ is capable of writing the complex code needed for the software. (A) whose (B) what (C) which (D) who 1.9 Most people prefer to exercise in the morning they feel they have the most
(A) when
(B) but
(C) once
(D) like

2. Pronoun

2.1 I think these samples are much better than them that we tested yesterday.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.2 The locket had been __ since she was five years old.
(A) her

(B) hers
(C) she
(D) herself

2.3 When Greta as asked to interview for the job, she bought a new suit.
(A) she
(B) her
(C) hers
(D) herself

2.4 Susan is a good team player, but she prefers to work by .
(A) she
(B) her
(C) hers
(D) herself

2.5 Users must never give their password to _ over the computer network, no
matter how official the request appears.
(A) anyone
(B) no one
(C) everyone
(D) nobody

Chapter 10 Parallelism and Redundancy

1. Parallelism

1.1 Currency traders saw the rate cuts as more cosmetic than real and _ to buy
dollars the next day.
(A) begin
(B) began

(C) begun
(D) beginning

1.2 One call to our housing specialist puts you into the apartment, or townhouse of your dreams. (A) consult (B) contend (C) condominium (D) consolidate

1.3 Changing the public attitude towards health care was proving to be a and
expensive process.
(A) slower
(B) slow
(C) slowing
(D) slowly

1.4 A successful cover letter states the applicant’s qualifications _ and accurately.
(A) lively
(B) eventual
(C) hopeful
(D) clearly

2. Redundancy

2.1 We were late to a meeting since due to heavy traffic
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.2 The Human Resources Manager transferred to a different another department within
(A) (B) (C)
the company.

2.3 Investors expect that the company will have be worth at least $67 million when
(A) (B) (C) (D)
trading begins.

2.4 At the annual meeting, a majority of the stockholders voted on to retain the current
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2.5 The candidates agreed to debate the campaign issues face to face at a time and place
(A) (B) (C)
unless to be determined.

2.6 Mr. Aust has made positive changes in the customer service department of it the
(A) (B) (C) (D)




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