Despite và In spite of và bài tập

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1. Despite và In spite of là gì?

  • Là giới từ thể hiện sự tương phản. Mang ý nghĩa trái ngược với cụm từ Because of
  • Đi sau Despite và In spite of là Noun phrase (cụm danh từ)/ Noun/ Gerund (danh động từ V-ING)
  • Cách sử dụng hai từ này là hoàn toàn tương đương nhau.

Ex: Jack went off being a successful bussiness man despite his physical handicap (noun phrase).

The students failed the exam in spite of spending hours revising the lessons. (gerund)

Alex’s class is enjoying the picnic despite the bad weather (Noun phrase)

The entire conference found it easy to understand what he was saying in spite of his accent (Noun).

LƯU Ý: Trong việc viết IELTS, Despite được sử dụng thường xuyên hơn In spite of.

  • In spite of và Despite mang nghĩa trái ngược với Because of
  • Because of mang ý nghĩa đồng thuận.
  • Alex loves Brian despite his volleyball obsession.
  • (Alex yêu Brian  bất chấp nỗi ám ảnh về bóng đá của anh ấy).
  • Alex loves Brian because of his volleyball obsession.
  • (Alex yêu Brian bởi vì niềm ưa thích bóng đá của anh ấy).

LƯU Ý: Despite và In spite of nếu muốn phía sau dùng vế câu hoàn chính, các bạn sĩ tử cần lưu ý là nên thêm the fact that vào ngay sau.


  • Dylan bought a new pair of shoes in spite of the fact that he already had dozen of them.
  • Mary went to the cinema despite the fact that she came down with a flu.
  • Despite và In spite of đều có thể đứng ở mệnh đề đầu hoặc mệnh đề thứ hai đều được.


  • Despite having prepared eveything before the flight, she still managed to forget her passport.
  • She still managed to forget her passport despite having prepared everything before the flight.

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2. Cách dùng Although, though, even though

Although, though và even though có thể dùng để thay thế cho despite và In spite of vì mặt ngữ nghĩa tương đồng. Tuy nhiên về ngữ pháp vẫn có sự khác biệt.

Cấu trúc:  Although, though, even though + S + V,…….

Đứng ở đầu câu hoặc ở giữa hai mệnh đề đều được.

Although/ even though/ though her job is hard, her salary is still low.

  • Dùng though ở đầu câu thể hiện sự trang trọng hơn là although và even though
  • Although, even though và though đều mang ý nghĩa tương đồng nhưng khi dùng though ở đầu câu sẽ thể hiện sự trang trọng hơn trong cả văn phong nói và viết hơn là đứng giữa hai mệnh đề, còn even though thể hiện sự nhấn mạnh rõ ràng hơn.

EX: Her salary is low although/ even though/ though her job is hard.

ĐẶC BIỆT: Even though có sắc thái ý nghĩa mạnh hơn although và though.

We decided to buy the house even though we didn’ t really have enough money.

You keep making those stupid noise even though I’ve asked you to stop three times already.

3. Chuyển đổi câu giữa although và despite

  1. Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ + be + tính từ thì ta biến thành cụm danh từ bao gồm a/ an/ the + adj + N

Although + S + V à In spite of/ despite + a/an/ the + ADJ + N

Although the room was dirty, he didn’t wash it à Despite the dirty car, he didn’t wash it.

  1. Nếu chủ ngữ của hai mệnh đề giống nhau thì ta rút gọn bớt chủ ngữ và thêm ing vào động từ.

Although he was ill, he still went to school à despite being ill, he still went to school.

  1. Hoặc cũng có thể biến toàn bộ vế câu thành danh từ

Although he was ill, he still went to school à  despite his illness, he still went to school.

Bài tập thêm:

  1. Although Nam is not an intelligent student, he can learn very fast.
    => Despite / In spite of ______________________________________.
  2. Because Hoa was rich, she could buy that house.
    => Because of _____________________________.
  3. Because the rain was so heavy, I couldn’t go to school.
    => Because of _________________________________.
  4. His father asked him to go stay at home because he was sick.
    => Because of ______________________________________.
  5. Because there was an accident, I was late.
    => Because of _______________________.
  6. She failed the University entrance exam because her grades were bad.
    => Because of _____________________________________________.
  7. Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.
    => Despite _________________________________________________
  8. Because of the cheap price, my wife insists on buying the Tivi.
    => Because __________________________________________.
  9. Although it was raining heavily, we still went to school.
    => Despite / In spite of ____________________.
  10. Because I studied hard, I passed the exam.
    => Because of ________________________.

KEY – Đáp án bài tập

  1. Despite / In spite of  not being an intelligent student, he can learn very fast.
  2. Because of Hoa’s richness, she could buy that house.
  3. Because of  the heavy rain, I couldn’t go to school.
  4. Because of his sickness  his father asked him to go stay at home.
  5. Because of an accident, I was late.
  6. She failed the University entrance exam because of  her bad grades .
  7. Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.
  8. Because the price is cheap, my wife insists on buying the Tivi.
  9. Despite / In spite of the heavy rain, we still went to school
  10. Because of studying hard , I passed the exam.

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